Please contact to ensure we have your correct email on file

We are very excited and are anxiously awaiting your arrival in the fall and want to make sure that all our incoming students are prepared for the first day of school to help ensure their success at The High School of Fashion Industries.
First Day is Thursday, September 5th, 2024
All incoming students will receive their program cards (class schedules) and METROCARDS, as well as information on how to submit their forms such as physicals, school consents, and emergency contact cards to their official teacher on the first AND second day of school, in the event of absence.
All students and parents will be receiving information via EMAIL on their NYCSTUDENT.NET email for students and Personal Parent Emails on file
If you are having difficulty accessing your NYCSTUDENT email, click NYC DOE Student Account button below

Ms. Silva
Assistant Principal of Parent Engagement, Admissions and Foreign Languages